p Clare HP
Since 1 Apr, 2003
Last updated: 7 Nov 2013
Japanese {
en francais (Set dancing au Japon avec nous!)

Welcome to the Clare web site!

Set Dancing in Japan

Setdancing Ceili (Michael Sexton Ceili Band)[Ireland Co.Clare](2002.Jul.Nao)

The dancing scene in the film, Titanic, turned you on?
Why donft you dance to the Irish traditional music and have a great time with us?
The Irish set dancing is danced by four couples in a square like the picture above.

(American Wake performed in Act Two:
Scene 10 of Riverdance in which dancers wear churlish costume might be similar to the dance)


Irish Set Dancing Class (Beginners welcomed)

21/Feb/2009(Sat) Ste Dancing Ceili (Party) \1000.
............17:30-20:45 (At Rensyuu-shitsu, Nakanahara-shimin-kan) Ceili

....Welcome to the Irish Dance Circle gClareh!
..........(Introduction of Clare)
....FAQs about joining the class (Japanese)

....The Set Dancing Class Schedule
..........Beginners are as welcome as flowers in March
....Note photos (Japanese)

....Irish Set Dancing in Irish Dancing (Japanese)

....Useful Links (Japanese)

....Contacts (English please.)